Author: Salisbury, Joel

(Via UConn Today) DMD Faculty Named in Multiple SCHARP Awards

OVPR Funds Five Projects in the Arts & Humanities

(Via UConn Today) DMD Faculty Named in Multiple SCHARP Awards
image via UConn Today

Congratulations to the DMD faculty who have received UConn OVPR SCHARP awards!

Professor Heejoo Kim (PI) was awarded $8,000 for “The Loom,” a collaboration with Co-PI’s Helene Kvale (Dramatics Arts), Tanju Ozdemir (DMD), and Simon Hutchinson (Univ. of New Haven).

DMD professors, Tom Scheinfeldt and Greg Colati are Co-PI’s on a $50,000 Breakthrough Award with Mark Healey (PI) (History) and Greenhouse Studios Colleagues for, “Bibliohack Plus: an integrated, low cost, open source digitization tool kit and workflow for the global south and underserved areas.”

We are really proud that two of the five university-wide awards involved DMD faculty research! SCHARP awards aim to support innovative works of scholarship and creative activities in the arts and humanities that have the potential to transform a field of study, impact the common good, or chart a new direction in scholarly, creative, or artistic development.          

Read the full article via UConn Today.