Diverse Perspectives Series

2022 Diverse Perspectives in Digital Media & Design Speaker Series
To paraphrase James Baldwin, nothing can be changed until it is faced. This is certainly true of the inequities that have historically shaped digital media content, fields, and careers. Join UConn’s Digital Media & Design department in welcoming industry professionals, artists, and media scholars from the film, design, cultural, game, and other sectors to discuss how issues of equity manifest in their work, creative processes, and professions, allowing us to reflect on how our own practice can support greater equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Subscribe to the UConn DMD YouTube page to view each of these live events!
The Diverse Perspectives in Digital Media & Design series is supported by a 3-credit course of the same name taught by Professor Clarissa Ceglio. Through readings, films, and other works created by and/or recommended by the series’ speakers, students examine the ways in which digital media works, practices, and professional fields perpetuate racism, sexism, classism, ageism, and other forms of oppression. By meeting and talking with contemporary practitioners who are challenging and changing the status quo, students reflect on how they can support greater equity, diversity, and inclusion in their future spaces of work.
The 2021 Series
Learn more about last year’s inaugural 2021 Diverse Perspectives in Digital Media & Design Speaker Series and watch the recorded events on our YouTube DMD Diverse Perspectives 2021 playlist.
2022 Series Events Schedule
Monday, February 14, 2022
5pm EST
In This White Man's World, We The Ones Chosen: On Working While Black in Cultural Spaces
Chris Cloud, Director, Communications and Marketing at the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego in California
Monday, February 28, 2022
5pm EST
Taking Flight with Ricardo Dominguez
Ricardo Dominguez, Artist, civil disobedience hacktivist, and Associate Professor and Chair of Visual Arts at University of California San Diego
Monday, March 21, 2022
5pm EST
The Only One in The Room
Jacqueline Beauchamp, Founder, President and CEO, Engaged Media, LLC
Monday, March 28, 2022
5:30pm EST
White Default
Cheryl Miller, Distinguished Senior Lecturer, University of Texas - Austin, and activist, decolonizing graphic design professor, lecturer, and revisionist historian
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
6:00pm EST
Indigenous Futures through Multimedia
Weshoyot Alvitre (Tongva-Scottish - Marvel Comic Book Illustrator, Fashion Designer, Activist), Meagan Byrne (Âpihtawikosisân - Video Game and Multimedia Designer), and Alyssa London (Tlingit - Journalist, Actor, Children’s Book Author, TV Producer [PBS])
Monday, April 11, 2022
5:00pm EST
Managing the Professional Experiential Design Firm “Sensing Places”
Flavia Sparacino, augmented reality artist/innovator, entrepreneur, and CEO + Founder of Sensing Places Interactive
Monday, April 18, 2022
5pm EST
Coded Hierarchy - Cinematic Language in Documentary Film
Yu Gu, Documentary Filmmaker