Lexy Vecchio, Here There Be Bears
Lexy Vecchio
Tolland, CT, USA
Game & 3D Design
My work focuses equally on captivating narrative and embodied experience. My personal experiences with PTSD supplement extensive psychological research into traumatic response, symptoms, and treatments through both peer reviewed research and critical review of existing media about trauma. Using my diverse artistic background which includes experience in theater, film, and writing, my work humanizes the unfathomable world of trauma, both physical and mental, through interactive & time based media. Starting out with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a subject both personal and misunderstood, my work validates these experiences of mental illness through the physicality of the game avatar. Video games, often written off as a mindless hobby, can be participatory works of art, an experience that sticks with the players long after they grasp the controller. Especially in rising generations, video games have proven to be just as influential a medium as film, books and studio art.
Lexy is an interactive media artist & MFA Candidate at the University of Connecticut. After receiving her B.A. in Film from Muhlenberg College in 2015, Lexy spent several years working in theater in New York before returning to New England to focus on game design. She currently works as a Graduate Instructor in the Digital Media & Design department..
Lexy debuted her first project in 2016, Curbside Waltz, a film dealing with the effect of parental substance abuse on children. Since then, Lexy’s work has reflected a growing emphasis on mental health issues; in particular, how trauma can affect both body and mind. Her current research is focused on video games as embodied experiences, through the lens of Post Traumatic Stress. This pitch won first place in the Innovation Quest Pitch contest in spring of 2022, beating out over 80 other teams in multidisciplinary fields of STEAM.
Website: https://ursamayhem.com/
Artist IG: https://www.instagram.com/summerdownbeach/
Company IG: https://www.instagram.com/ursamayhem/