Fall 2025 Courses

Fall 2025 Courses

Fall 2025 DMD Student Advising Guidelines

DMD students - Below is information regarding the following: 

  1. Link to the DMD permission number request form. This is only for the DMD courses which explicitly require permission numbers.
  2. Advising notes regarding required courses and course sequencing. Be sure to read and follow these so you stay on track to graduate on time!
  3. At the bottom of the page, you can navigate to specific information about Storrs, Stamford, and Cross Campus courses. Those pages will have course descriptions of new and variable topic classes, more details about permission number required classes, and other relevant information.


The descriptions of ALL DMD courses can be found in the UConn Course Catalog.   


To request permission numbers for DMD classes that require them, you must complete this form WITH YOUR ADVISOR during your advising session. Use THIS form: https://forms.office.com/r/nRsKsB3CEd

Any questions regarding requests should be directed to Rossy.Pichardo@uconn.edu  

  • Permission numbers will be sent in pick time order at the earliest right before your pick time. Because there are so many requests, it is not unusual for notification of permission numbers to be sent out after your pick time, but as long as you submitted your request via the PERMISSION NUMBER FORM in a timely manner (i.e., well before your pick time), no one will have "jumped" ahead of you. 


There are also a few courses or sections of courses that have a StudentAdmin built in “reserve cap” for specific degree plans/ concentrations-- you can see this in the dynamic class search and they are referenced in the Storrs/ Stamford/ Cross Campus pages. For students who do not meet the requirements of the reserve cap but are interested in the class, you can email Rossy Pichardo to ask that she add you to our internal waitlist. We will only utilize the waitlist if the classes do not fill with the intended concentration.




It is important that you complete DMD 2010 History of Digital Culture by the end of your sophomore year, and DMD 3010W Critical Perspectives on Digital Media ideally in your junior year.  


All BA Students: Due to the accreditation requirements of NASAD (National Association of Schools of Art & Design), the B.A. in Digital Media Design is capped at 54 credits of DMD courses. Students earning the Bachelor of Arts are limited in the quantity of DMD courses that they can take. Students who want to take more major courses should carefully consider the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. Talk to your faculty advisor about options if you are unsure. 

BA Seniors: You must take DMD 4040 Agency sometime in your senior year. 



ALL SENIOR BFA STUDENTS: You will need to take the following courses in your senior year: 

  1. DMD 4075 Senior Project twice in order (fall/spring) to graduate.  
    1. 4075.001 reserved for Storrs senior / Game/3D students
    2. 4075.002 reserved for Storrs senior Film students
    3. 4075.003 reserved for Storrs senior WIMD/ Motion & Design Students
  2. DMD 4025 Portfolio and Professional Development: Putting It All Together 
    1. 4025.001 Reserved this fall for Storrs senior WIMD/ Game/3D students 
    2. 4025.002 Reserved for Storrs senior Film/Motion students 
  3. DMD 4040 Agency sometime in your senior year. 

        ALL SOPHOMORE BFA Motion Design STUDENTS: You should enroll in the below TWO Fall courses in your 3rd semester (after you have completed DMD 1001, 1002, 1101, 1102):  

        1. DMD 2200 Motion Design & Animation 1* (REQUIRED fall soph year)  
        2. DMD 2210 Film & Video Editing 1* (as seats are available, or can take in junior year) 

          ALL SOPHOMORE BFA FLIM STUDENTS: You MUST enroll in TWO Fall Sophomore courses in your 3rd semester (after you have completed DMD 1001, 1002, 1101, 1102): 

          1. DMD 2210 Film & Video Editing 1
          2. DMD 3230 Cinematic Storytelling 

            ALL SOPHOMORE BFA 3D ANIMATION STUDENTS: You MUST enroll in the following TWO Fall Sophomore courses

            1. DMD 2310 Modeling 1
            2. DMD 2320 Lighting and Rendering 1 

              JUNIOR BFA 3D ANIMATION FALL REQUIREMENT:  You MUST enroll in the following course

              1. 3350 3D Simulations 

                Storrs BFA students - ART requirements:  

                *NEW! DMD 3998.002 - Digital Drawing course!  Satisfies the Studio Art requirement. Look for it when you request permission numbers. *


                Reserved Caps are in place for DMD BFA students in ART 1030 Drawing 1: 5 seats in each section (you can directly enroll without permission numbers.).  


                Basic Studio Art courses: Once students have taken ART 1030, they can enroll in one of the Basic Studio Art courses: ART 2010, 2210, 2310, 2410, 2510, or 2610. Students should reach out directly to the Art professor via email to request a permission number as soon as possible for the basic studio art courses. Be sure to remind the professor that you completed the ART 1030 prerequisite, and you are required to take a second studio art course for your BFA degree plan of study. It also helps to let the professor know why you are specifically interested in their class (i.e., you are not interested ONLY because it is a requirement, but because of genuine curiosity/ interest in learning.)  *Note: The basic studio requirement should ideally be completed by the fourth term. It is important to know that professors may not open up seats for DMD majors until after all Studio Art majors are enrolled, so BE PATIENT and know you will not get a permission number right away. (Check back in after after April 10th). 


                STAMFORD BFA students - ART requirements:  

                To request your required ART courses (ART 1030 Drawing 1 + an additional course), please email Haley at - haley.bueschlen@uconn.edu   


                View courses for Storrs Stamford Cross Campus