Spring 2025 Courses

Spring 2025 Courses

Stamford Spring 2025 DMD Student Advising Guidelines

DMD students - Below is information regarding the following:

  1. Variable topics and other special courses to be offered in Spring 2025. 
  2. Courses that require a PERMISSION NUMBER.

The descriptions of all DMD courses can be found in the UConn Course Catalog.  

To request permission numbers, please complete the form. It is best to complete this WITH YOUR ADVISOR during your advising session. Use THIS form: PERMISSION NUMBER FORM

Stamford BFA students - ART requirements:  To request your required ART courses (ART 1030 Drawing 1 + an additional course), please email Haley at - haley.bueschlen@uconn.edu   

Variable Topics / Specialized courses:

Web / Interactive Media Design courses:

DMD 3500 Interactive Storytelling

Mo/We 12:20PM - 2:50PM - In-person, taught by Irene Li 


Prerequisites: DMD 2500 and 3010W

A project-based exploration of the relationship of story, character and player in games. Students in this course will generate a short role-playing video game storyline.


Motion Design & Animation courses:

DMD 3030 Narrative Workshop

Mo/We 12:20PM - 2:50PM - In person, taught by Samantha Olschan

Prerequisites: DMD 2200 and 2210; open to Digital Media and Design majors, others with instructor consent.

Grading Basis: Graded

This course is designed for students to workshop their own narratives, projects, and works-in-progress for animation, short/long films, video, commercial media, interactive media, game creation, graphic novels, and short or long-form pieces of writing (scripts, novels, children’s books, short stories, etc...). It is an open forum/roundtable where students can bring pieces of writing or media into the class and share with other students, using each other as editors, collaborators, and ideators. The course also offers students the opportunity to work on one large/longer project, or several short self-initiated projects, queuing them up for success in the BFA Senior Capstone experience (DMD4075). We will learn how to use, break, and rearrange storytelling mechanics as well as identify our personal creative process throughout the semester.


List of STAMFORD courses that require permission numbers and their requirements:

DMD 3010W Critical Perspectives on Digital Media - T/Th 2:00PM - 3:15PM 

  • Requirements: DMD 2010 + Junior/Senior in DMD program 

DMD 3500 Interactive Storytelling – M/W 12:20PM - 2:50PM  

  • Requirements: DMD 2500 and 3010w 

DMD 4025 Portfolio and Professional Development - M/W 9:00AM - 11:00AM 

  • Requirements: BFA ONLY; BFA student enrolled in DMD 4075 Senior Project in Fall 24 or graduating in December 2024, then rising seniors (Last three semesters) 

DMD 4075 Senior Project - M/W 9:05AM - 11:35 AM 

  • Requirements: BFA student enrolled in DMD 4075 Senior Project on Fall 24 or graduating in December 2024. 

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