Jin Liu, No Purpose Question (2024)

Country of Origin: China
Philosophical/Experimental VR Game
Artist Statement
No Purpose Question is a VR game combining puzzle-solving with philosophical exploration, set in a surreal maze that invites players into an immersive experience that merges art with a deep nihilistic question. Players engage with puzzles to uncover light and narrative elements, delving into nihilism and the search for meaning. This first-person journey isn’t just a game; it’s an inquiry into existential complexities, urging players to contemplate life’s purpose.
As its creator, I believe in the power of collaboration between the creator, the viewer, and the participant to realize the artistic value of a work. Inspired by both Eastern and Western philosophies, and my musings on the human condition, No Purpose Question explores new territories, aiming to enhance perception and forge emotional bonds. It challenges conventional views, encouraging discussions on reality and our role in it, creating a space for introspection and dialogue.
Jin Liu is an artist who explores multimodal expression via game art and interactive installation. Her research themes begin with investigating her connections to the world, focusing on deconstructing self-acceptance and the freedom limits in the digital world. From the beginning of her memory, Jin has been suffering from atopic dermatitis. She had a very special childhood, experiencing both physical and psychological torture, Jin has been changing her perspective on the world. Jin sees this specialness as a gift from fate. Sensitive and full of ideas, are the starting points for Jin’s artistic journey.
Artist Website: https://www.jinliu.art/
Artist Youtube Channel: https://youtube.com/@jinliu775?si=VlaaU6U-odRzmW5G
Project Website for Download: https://jin4liuuconnedu.itch.io/no-purpose-question